Reed's first airplane ride was down took us down to Denver. Gerry and I wanted to see String Cheese Incident play their final shows at Red Rocks and so it meant a trip for the whole family!
Gerry and I felt more than a little trepidation at taking Reed on a plane, but he was perfect. It probably helped that at the time, we thought he had allergies so were giving him Benadryl so he slept almost the whole way (turns out he doesn't have allergies, thank goodness).
We didn't spend much time in Denver (we arrived on a Friday and left again on Monday) but we did manage to make a trip to Rocky Mountain National Park. Sadly, this was the only time that day we got out of the car! This is NOT the way that we would normally like to visit a park, but Reed fell asleep in the car right after this was taken, and we didn't want to wake him. Turns out that was for the best too because he needed the sleep, he came down with some kind of bug that evening that would send his temperature up well over 103 degrees! Gerry and I were extremely thankful that my parents had come along to watch Reed so that we could leave him at the hotel and not have to worry about taking a sick baby to a concert, or alternatively, missing that last String Cheese show.