Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Just plain silly

When babies and glass doors meet...

Some family pics

I wanted to post a picture of my mom with Reed since she takes care of him two days a week while I work. Plus just check out the smile on that happy bather!
We went to Lake Chelan and stopped in Wenatchee to visit Gerry's grandma. I think this is a great one (granted, I think all of the pictures are great ones!)
And this one was taken while we were at Lake Chelan. We have an evening ritual to get Reed ready for bed and "naked baby time" (complete with the Naked Baby Time song) is part of it. We were afraid Reed might get a bit cold if he was completely naked, so we let him keep his hat on.
Reed's favorite napping place, and I'm happy to oblige!


Reed is sitting up pretty darn well these days. We still have the occasional crash, but he's completely unphased by the sudden surges of gravity he experiences.
He also recently managed to get onto his hands and knees (hard to tell in this picture I know, but you'll just have to trust me). His little legs slip right out from under him for right now, but I know we're not too far away from crawling!
And just a few days ago, I was taking pictures of Reed in his crib (thinking baby in jail pictures might be cute). When...
He decided he'd like to bite on the top bar of his crib. But that was tough to do while sitting down so...
He pulled himself up to standing! The good news for Gerry and I is that he can only perform this feat from a sitting position and he can't yet get from lying down to sitting, but we need to move his mattress to a lower position ASAP!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

First solid food

Here it is, Reed's first ever bite of solid food. I was just a teeny bit sad to know that I can no longer say that my body has nourished every ounce of his, but he was definitely ready for the addition to his diet!

And here we are after the whole trying solid food affair. As you can see, very little actually made it past the front of his mouth, but he looks very proud of himself! We'll get this solid food thing figured out, just not on the first day.