I was planning on blogging about something else entirely tonight (which I will post eventually), as I was looking through our pictures tonight, I noticed a great theme in our pictures from the last week or two, and I couldn't resist posting them all together!

Reed has hit the age where trying on mommy and daddy's clothes is
really fun. I hadn't realized how often he was doing this, till I looked through our pictures.
Here he is walking a mile in mommy's shoes.

Gerry found these sunglasses in the street and Reed loves them! He always gets the biggest grin when he puts them on!

Daddy's hat still doesn't fit, but he likes to check every once in a while.
In other news, I had my 30 week prenatal checkup this afternoon. Baby bun is growing just fine and is already head down which I'm really pleased to hear!! I thought that I was feeling that familiar "head squishing my bladder" feeling and was hopeful that she was already in position. They generally won't deliver breach babies at the birth center where I plan to deliver, so hearing that she was already vertex, really made my day!