More catch up, this time from July! Eventually I'll get the blog caught up again, but we've been busy busy busy! :)
We headed over the Lake Chelan over the 4th of July weekend to avoid the fireworks and move a bouy that had drifted down lake. My folks came too which was great because it meant that there were extra eyes to watch Reed and Spring while Gerry worked on the bouy, and also meant that Mocha got to get away from the fireworks that so terrify her. Spring liked trying to take Mocha for a walk.
The highlight of the trip may have been when R and S when fishing with Grandma and Grandpa.
Reed caught his first ever wild trout! He's been fishing before at commercial trout ponds where you can hardly keep the fish off your hook long enough to put bait on, but this took a bit more patience.
It wasn't the biggest of fish, so it's a good thing that Grandpa is good with a fillet knife!! I LOVE how proud Reed looks here. I'd like to be able to say he ate every last bit of the fish, but unfortunately, while he was carrying it to the table, the plate slipped and some of it fell on the floor and Mocha beat us to one of the fillets... sigh... Reed did eat the rest of it though.
Spring wanted to pose after she saw brother posing for a picture with his fish.