At the end of July, we got to head back down to Oregon for a three day St.ring Ch.eese Incid.ent Festival. We hadn't seen Cheese since '07 when they retired so we were excited to see our favorite jam band again. But we were also a bit nervous. It's not as family friendly as North.west Stri.ng Su.mmit, the music goes later, and there would be no designated family camp. Fortunately, we were able to camp near several other families with children. And once the music started, all our doubts about whether it was a good idea to come dissolved.

The kids had fun playing with these big mushrooms.

One of our neighbors let R and S play with this drum, they loved it!

This is Reed's singing face. :)
Our camera went on the fritz part way through our trip so we didn't wind up with a lot of photos to share. The camera will be going back to So.ny for some repairs. :/