In this post, I've posted all our August pictures so that the blog can finally be up to date! It was a busy month.

It started out a bit rainy, but that didn't keep us inside!

Spring LOVES picking tomatoes. After she picks one, she goes to a specials spot on the lawn and does her "tomato dance".

Reed approves of the tomato dance. :)

Then it got really hot so of course we played outside some more.

R and S were transferring water and sand from the sand box to the tubs in their play house. A favorite game.

I love the look of sheer joy on Reed's face here.

The sunflowers that we planted in preschool last spring bloomed spectacularly!

We took advantage of one of the warm days to go to the splashy park in Brem.erton. It makes for a fun day since we take the foot ferry over.

Reed's shadow (Spring) followed him everywhere there!

We went to the Oll.ala Blu.egrass festival. We got to spend some time with some friends that we don't see nearly enough which was wonderful.

Reed using the big bubble wand.

Reed and I spent a special "Mommy and Reed" day to celebrate him growing up enough to decide that he was ready to be done nursing. He hasn't nursed in a really long time, but everytime I asked him if he was ready to be done, he'd say, "I'm just thinking about it". It was nice to get to spend some time just the two of us since we haven't gotten much of that since Spring was born!

Reed didn't want his pictures taken with the animals, but I like this one of him in the stroller.

When we got to the sharks, Reed finally, happily consented to having his picture taken with an animal... too bad I did a lousy job of getting a picture of the shark, but it's still a good picture of Reed!

We went to the Ki.tsap C.ounty fair too. Our first stop was the produce displays where we learned that Gerry's cayenne's had taken first place in the hot pepper division!

We ran into our neighbor in the llama barn and she let us pose with her llama.

Mommy and Spring wait for Daddy and Reed to be done with their ride.

Daddy and Reed enjoying the ride.

And we went hiking in Ban.ner forest. Spring LOVED munching on all the berries along the way. She ate red huckleberries, evergreen huckleberries and blackberries!

For most of the trip, Gerry carried Reed in the backpack and I carried Spring in the er.go, but part way through, we switched and Spring thought that was great!

Reed on what he calls, "the climbing hill".

And Spring on the same hill.
Oh my what WONDERFUL pictures - A great surprise for Grandpa Steve when he finally got HIS computer working! Love and Hugs to all my brilliant family!
Grandma Lisa
Great photos and thanks for the wonderful post. Congratulations to Gerry! I'm proud!!!
Grndpa Darrell
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