Thursday, April 05, 2007

A rolling baby gathers no moss?

Reed is now rolling over all the time. He rolled over from his front to his back, way back in February but promptly forgot how. He still hasn't remembered how to do that, but is absolutely thrilled with himself every time he rolls from his back to his front, as shown here!

1 comment:

Luke said...

I don't know if that addage applies to us mossbacks here is western WA. About time for the annual demossing of the back now that spring is here.

Evie can't seem to get the rolling thing figured out. SHe has the strength but just seems unmotivated. I have a suspicion she is they type of baby to move straight from breast to sippy cup, and I think she is going to skip crawling/rolling and go straight to running. We shall see, she just turned 6 months yesterday.