Tuesday, July 03, 2007

These are a few of Reed's favorite things

Eating is definitely one of Reed's favorite things! He makes happy squeaky baby noises (very cute) when he's in his high chair and is generally a very happy fellow during mealtime. One of his favorite parts of mealtime is the wet washcloth for cleaning his face at the end. He doesn't like to have his face wiped off, but he likes to suck on the washcloth. I'll have to post a picture of that.

So far he's tried rice cereal, bananas, carrots, squash, pears, peaches, avocado, oatmeal and apples. We're taking the food introductions slowly since, as many of you know, he was having an allergic reaction to something in my diet. The good news for me is that I've been able to start reintroducing some of the foods I've been avoiding since January. So far, I've gotten dairy and soy back into my diet. I tried eggs, but he had a bad reaction to those, so no more eggs till he's a year old. Still have to reintroduce, fish, shellfish, tree nuts and peanuts.

One of Reed's other favorite activities is evening story time. After naked baby time (you'll remember that from a previous post) we read a few stories. Reed's favorite books right now are peekaboo books. He absolutely lights up every time we read one. We have several of these books and he knows right where the peekaboo flaps are in each one. Perhaps I'm just being a proud Momma, but I consider this to be quite an accomplishment considering that the peekaboo flaps are different in different books, some you lift up, some you pull down, others fold out to the side... you get the picture. Can you say genius baby??

1 comment:

Keine said...

lookin good gents!