We have had quite the week! It started with the snow and rain last weekend, then on Monday, I witnessed Reed take his first two deliberate, balanced steps (as I'd mentioned before, he'd taken a few lunging steps before but they definitely didn't have this level of control). I thought maybe he'd forget about the walking trick for a few more weeks, but he's continued to take a couple of steps every day or so. It may still be a little while before he's walking all over, but he's moving in the right direction.
Then we had Reed's 12 month checkup. He gained almost half a pound over the last month, which should make our dietician relax a little (we see her this week). While Reed was getting his vaccinations, I notices a little white spot on the roof of his mouth. I felt it, and sure enough, it was one of his pre-molars. When I got home, I discovered he had a pre-molar erupting on each side. Then a day or two later, one of his eye teeth broke through.
Reed has also figured out how to make truck noises when he plays with his dump truck which is really cute. Especially since they are more of a high pitched growl than a truck noise. He's also figured out that if he hands us a book, we will sit down and read it to him. It's fun to watch him sort through his box of books, find a favorite, and bring it over. Very sweet!
And Sunday, we headed out and got a Christmas tree. We were a little hesitant about getting one because we figured it would be a fair amount of work to keep Reed away from it, but what the heck, we'll only have it for a few weeks.

This one? I don't know...

The top of this one is a little straggly Daddy.

Here it is! This is our tree.