Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Our Christmas

Well, it was a busy, but wonderful holiday season for us this year! We geared up for Christmas by baking some Christmas cookies... Okay, Gerry baked the Christmas cookies while I said, "no, don't make them, we'll just eat them", but they were good. Here's Reed enjoying his first ever Christmas cookie.
We got up early on Christmas morning, and wouldn't you know it? Santa came!! "If I give you a cute look, can I start opening my presents??"

Reed got lots of new books...

And toys. This one seems to be his post-Christmas favorite. It has lots of noisy buttons and Reed loves it! Despite the obvious appeal of all the buttons, his favorite feature seems to be the seat, which lifts up to reveal a small storage compartment. He likes to hide a toy in it, after which he gives a great dramatic gasp, then lifts the seat, gasps again, and pulls the toy out, then we start all over again. It's VERY cute.

And it snowed on Christmas day! This was a first for both Reed and I, as I don't ever recall having seen it snow on Christmas. So of course, we had to get the wagon out and go for a walk.
After dinner, to celebrate the fact that Reed can now eat a nearly normal diet, we let him have the cake he couldn't have on his birthday. Only Reed didn't want it! Perhaps I shouldn't have fed him dinner first, but I didn't want him to get hyped up on sugar just before bed. He didn't want anything to do with it though, so no cake covered baby pictures for us!!

1 comment:

Luke said...

Oh fret not my fear he will soon discover the joy of processed sugar. Then watch out!