Monday, May 26, 2008

Getting bigger

Both baby Bun, and therefore, myself, are getting bigger!

These are my two favorite pictures from our previous ultrasound. One of the nice things about having a really extensive ultrasound is that they use the 3D ultrasound technology for some things. I love how in this picture, you can tell that baby Bun's nose looks just like Reed's!!!

One of the markers they look for with Down syndrome is the length of a baby's nose bone so we got to spend quite a while looking at Bun's profile.

Here's me about a month ago...

And here's me today. Not as big a difference between now and a month ago as I had expected to see, but I'm definitely past the pregnant or fat stage! I had my first stranger ask when I was due this weekend.

Speaking of this weekend, Gerry, Reed and I all headed out to Brinnon for ShrimpFest again this year. Reed was fantastic!!! We had three separate people comment on how good he was. Gerry and I are so lucky to have Reed! We kept reminding ourselves this weekend that there's a good possibility that Bun will be very different, but it's hard not to expect a girl version of Reed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look great! So does Bunny! Glad to hear Reed is being a good boy for you. I hope he is excited to be getting a little sister. Love you guys!