So can you tell who's who? (Don't scroll down too far or you'll see a picture that will give away the answer).
And of course, I couldn't resist getting a picture of all three of them in their matching tie-dye. I must admit, I felt a little left out that I didn't have a tie-dye shirt to match! Would it be lame to have family pictures where we all wore matching tie-dye? Bear in mind, that we are people who would wear tie-dye anyway and wouldn't be wearing it just for the picture. Gerry thought it would be corny, but I kind of like the idea...
Reed had a cute moment a few nights ago at dinner. We were having BLTs with avocado (or as we like to call them, BLATs). Usually when we make sandwiches, we make a simplified sandwich for Reed, but lately, he'd been eating most of our sandwiches when we did that so we asked Reed if he wanted toast or a sandwich. He replied that he wanted a sandwich so Gerry made one and gave it to Reed. Reed promptly opened the sandwich and pushing the tomato off his sandwich exclaimed, "no salad!". I'd never heard him say the word salad before. I had to laugh! Reed's not a big veggie eater. Ironically, the next day, Spring, Reed and I went out to lunch with our friend Marcia and her son Matthew where Reed proceeded to eat half of the salad I ordered with my lunch!!
Spring is doing well too. She's getting very laughy now! As is true with most people, she seems to find things funniest when she's tired so most of the laughter we've gotten so far has been right before bedtime. She also talks more when she's tired. I'll take laughter and conversation anyday over the hours of crying before bedtime that she did when she was younger!!
Hippie Flauge, I have seen it all now. I thought the pink barbie camo took the cake but I think you win...
My dad gave me a tie dye shirt that has the power plant he is working on on the shirt. Every time i put it one, Evie laughs and says "Dirty" and makes the sign for dirty. I told her it's not dirty, but she just keeps making the sign and saying it.
Cammy, this is the fifth time Matthew has asked to see the picture of Reed, Baby Spring, and Reed's Daddy. He just asked, again, if we can go to Reed's house and play in his living room, again. Too cute!
Love the hippie camo! At TESC the other day, there was a guy selling tie dye - so of course I was drawn like a moth to the flame across Red Square. ;) I stumbled into a very intense conversation about how tie dye would be the best camo for hunting, because it's natural, maaan.
I guessed right!!
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