Sunday, May 10, 2009

Best Mother's Day ever!

I've had a wonderful weekend and a fantastic Mother's Day!!

Yesterday, we spent the morning deep cleaning the house, then after Spring's morning nap, we went to an arts and crafts fair nearby. We saw lots of moms and kids we know, and it was a gorgeous day! Gerry said I should pick out a Mother's Day present for myself, so I happily bought myself a beautiful new sling.

Our friend Kathryn was there and snapped a couple of pictures of Reed and Spring.

I baked some oatmeal raspberry muffins last night so I got to have delicious muffins for breakfast, then Gerry took Reed to Starbucks to get mommy a soy latte. Not as tasty as a cow's milk latte, but I'm going dairy-free for Spring and it seems to be agreeing with her. On a side note, Reed calls Starbucks, the "chocolate milk house" because when we take him there, we let him get chocolate milk. It cracks me up! Anyway, when they returned from Starbucks, Gerry asked Reed if he has something to say to me. Reed said, "Happy Mother's Day mommy!" Talk about melting a mommy's heart. I scooped him up and gave him a bunch of kisses and hugs and he laughed. When I put him back down, he said it again, and we went through the routine a couple more times. It was so sweet I almost cried!

Mid-day, we had a bbq with some families from a parenting forum I'm part of. It was a really fun way to celebrate Mother's Day and once again, the weather was gorgeous! Then this evening, we went out to a great vegetarian restaurant that's fairly new here in town. We came home and gave Spring a nice relaxing bath in the sink while Reed splashed in the other half of the sink beside me. And to top off the day, Gerry made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Seriously, I don't think life gets much better than this!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your day was as PERFECT as you are... I've said before and I'll say it forever, my grandkids have the best MOM in the entire Universe!!

Love Grandma Lisa

Anonymous said...

Ditto that from G'pa Darrell. Yep, Happy Mothers day dearest Daughter!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Spring looks happy in "her" new sling!


Anonymous said...

You deep cleaned the house in a morning... Hmm...

David Kirkbride said...

Sorry for not reading this sooner -- that does sound like an ideal Mother's day! I love that Reed wished you a happy Mother's day.

By contrast, we spent Mother's day in transit back to Tokyo; hotel to cab to airport security to plane to customs & immigration to train to cab to home was probably the most exhausting Mother's day ever.

Next year I think we will stick to baking too... and as an aside, in another couple of years Reed can help dad do the deep cleaning on Mother's day so you don't have to! ;-)