Grandpa and Grandma have Reed today, and Gerry is gone on a backpacking trip and suddenly I have time on my hands to step back and appreciate my family more. I already bragged on Reed in the previous post, and now, I'm feeling the need to brag on my baby and my husband!
Spring and I were just having a wonderful nursing moment. She was snuggled up, nursing, but was also fascinated by the necklace I'm wearing. She'd settle back and nurse for a few moments but then almost immediately have to sit up and play with my necklace. Then she'd sit back again, only pop right back up. Then I signed "milk" for her while she was nursing and she thought that was great. She smiled so big that she couldn't actually nurse, but I could see her tongue still moving, trying to anyway. Really cute! It's nice to have days like today where I have the time to let her explore and I can just appreciate the age that she's at and how curious she is. It's the close moments like these that I know I will miss when she's older.
And Gerry. There was this great moment a few weeks ago when all four of us went to the grocery store. I was getting ready to put on one of our slings to carry Spring when Gerry said, "I really want to carry her." The sling that we had with us is very pink and very girly, and I LOVED that Gerry didn't care. To me, that is a REAL man. I know he misses us while he's out in the back country and we miss him too!! I look forward to a time when we can all go backpacking together!
I'm so lucky to have such an amazing family.
End of Year Survey
2 months ago