Monday, September 28, 2009

The Fair

We made two trips to the Puyallup Fair this year! Unfortunately Gerry had to miss it, but we had lots of fun with Grandma and Grandpa. Here are a few pictures from our most recent trip.

Spring in the petting area.

Reed got to play with a tractor. This may have been his favorite ride!

Spring didn't want to miss out on the tractor fun either.

Reed went on a number of rides and Grandma took lots of pictures, but this may have been the best of them.

There was a huge contraption with lots of old metal objects (pans, teapots, computer cases, etc) hanging off of it and lots of sticks for kids to drum on anything they pleased. Reed and Spring both took a turn.


Anonymous said...

Looks like loads of fun!

Love Grandma Lisa

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! And I can't believe how big Spring is getting!!

We didn't do rides at our fair, only because the ones Forest kept picking were the roller coasters. Future daredevil on our hands!

Anonymous said...

I am amazed I got any of Reed facing the camera. He is his Daddy's son and kept checking the engine in the back to make sure it was still ok.

He also went on his first roller coaster with Grandpa! It was a big dragon in the kids area that went 10 feet off the ground. I did not hear a single scream - - from either of them. Go guys.

grandma mary lou