Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This poor blog has been a bit neglected lately. I'm not one for making New Year's resolutions, but if I were to make a resolution, it would be that I'm going to get back into my weekly blogging habit.

To that end, I'm going to do a little December catch up! Oddly, I didn't take a lot of pictures in December, so there's not a lot to show. I think we were so busy with the holidays that I forgot to take pictures of everyday stuff and we didn't get a lot of great pictures from Christmas either. Ah well, such is life!
We had a great time selecting a Christmas tree. This was the first time we'd ever gotten anything other than a Douglas fir. We got a Norway spruce, and aside from the fact that it was a little pitchy and had pricklier needles than Doug firs, we liked it. This was the first year we managed to get a tree that was not at least a foot taller than what we actually intended to get and we liked having a smaller tree!
Reed and Spring had lots of fun decorating. We tried to put up only non-breakable ornaments this year and I still think we broke at least three. It was tough to keep Spring from taking down the ornaments. Such a contrast from Reed who left them alone once we told him no a couple of times.
Christmas day was wonderful! Gerry went crabbing on Christmas eve and got a limit of red rock and a limit of dungeness crab and Brian came late on Christmas eve to stay the night. When we got up in the morning, Brian made crab omelettes for us. Yum! We had an amazing seafood feast for dinner that we may have to have on Christmas from now on. It was so good!
And some good clean fun from December. Reed likes to pretend that he's a pirate named Bubble Beard while he's in the bath! :)


Anonymous said...

Thank you SO Much for giving us an update! LOVE LOVE LOVE you and the kids and giggle when we watched the Stomping fun. Made both of us smile this morning!

Grandma Lisa and Grandpa Steve

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of weekly blogging! I always like to peek to see if there is something new.

I know the kids will treasure it as much as we do later on.

grandma mary lou