Monday, November 12, 2007

Happy birthday and good news

Well, Reed's birthday was yesterday and we had a great time. We had my family and a few friends over to dote on Reed. I thought he might be overwhelmed by all the people, but he seemed to take it all in stride. He received lots of wonderful presents. This egg rattle seemed to be the biggest hit last night though (thanks Uncle Brian!!). The activity center here was a close second, although I think Gerry and I may have played with it more than Reed has so far... but he'll catch up!

It seems a little strange to me to have finally reached this stage. During all the stress of Reed's hospital stay after being born, I kept thinking about how, in a year, the nightmare of his time in the neonatal intensive care unit would seem like a distant memory. And now that I'm here, a year away from it, the memories are not as distant as I had thought they would become, but they are also less painful. I'm mainly left with the positive feelings from his stay, the love and help of my family, the wonderful staff at TG and the incredible feeling of being a brand new mother to the most amazing baby in the world.

Today, we made our way back down to Tacoma General (which was an odd coincidence, as it was a year ago today, that Gerry and I made our way down to TG to join Reed). This time, we were there to revisit Reed's gastroenterologist. The good news is that the doctor does not think that Reed is suffering from allergic colitis (apparently this is not a condition they see in older babies). Hooray!! This means he can start eating more new foods (although we still need to introduce them slowly just to be on the safe side). They are still concerned about his weight, so we're going to do our best to beef our little guy up. Thanks to all of you who thought good thoughts for us!

Sometimes, in all the concern about Reed's health, I lose track of the fact that the bottom line is that he's happy. Should you need evidence of his happiness, just watch the video below!


Anonymous said...

Happy b-day Reed! Glad to hear things are all good with you guys. Have you introduced meat to Reed yet? Robbie loves these little meatballs that they've got over here in the land of the rising sun. Just a thought. Looking forward to seeing you guys over the holidays!

Luke said...

What you said about Reed's weight and the Dr. being concerned really stuck a nerve with me. We went through that whole bit of the Dr. fussing and worrying that Evie has dropped her percentile and blah blah blah... We got all fussed up and really pumped her calories and worried to. I lost sight of the happy factor as well.

We know another baby that was going to be put on growth hormones because the Dr. thought he was "to small/"

I realized that all these babies are breast fed and the Docs are using a knowingly FLAWED growth charts that are based on formula fed babies are are super old.

The World Health Organization has new ones that are based on breast fed babies. I have been using this one and by way of comparison the Doc says Evie is in the 5th percentile and the WHO chart says she is in the 20th! Same with the other little boy that was about to be put on growth hormones.

The thing about percentiles is that yes, there are smaller babies that's why it's a RANGE. People vary we don't all fit neatly in the middle of some graph!

As you can see I am really passionate about this topic but I will stop. Let me know if you would like to hear more about it.

LOVE the video, baby laughter is the best.

Courtney said...

More videos, please!!