Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A good weekend and a hard day

Gerry, Reed and I had a great weekend, helped in no small part by the fabulous weather! We celebrated Gerry's birthday on Saturday by going out to dinner together, without Reed. A rareity in this family. :-)

We took advantage of the gorgeous weather on Saturday by climbing Green Mountain. The last time we attempted this, I was about 7 months pregnant with Reed and had no energy. Not surprisingly, I remembered the hike as being much more difficult than it was! We made it to the top no with no problem this time!
Here are the boys with a view of Seattle and the Cascades behind them. It looks hazy in the picture, but was really crystal clear. Our new baby backpack was one of Reed's birthday presents (thanks Hama!). It was much easier on the back than our soft backpack which is great for shorter trips.
Reed found a stick to play with while we had lunch at the top.
A few gray jays, or camp-robbers as Gerry called them, were quite persistent about getting a snack from us. Beautiful birds!!
Yesterday, we seized on the nice weather again to get some yard work done. Reed wanted to follow his daddy everywhere! He'd cry if Gerry got out of his sight, so while Gerry did yardwork, my main job was just making sure that Reed was close enough to Daddy to be happy, but not so close that he was going to get hurt (we were pruning some big branches).
And the hard day today was Reed's first day of daycare. Turns out it was harder for me than him. He didn't cry a bit when I left (which is more than I can say for myself). It was definitely tough for me. I'm feeling really torn right now between being a mommy and being in the workforce. I keep reminding myself that I shouldn't make any decisions based on the first day of daycare! If I still feel this conflicted in a few weeks, then it might be time to reconsider.


David Kirkbride said...

Wow, isn't it nice when the weather cooperates and you are able to climb a hill? I love Reed's backpack!

I also got all nostalgic thinking about working in the yard. Man, I can't wait to have a garden again -- here's wishing you another year of great food from yours.

Luke said...

Hope you had a great time on your Date.

Audrey and I just got back from a week in CO visiting family. I was home two days from work just to recover from the trip.

The daycare thing is trauma (as you found usually more for mum than for the wee one), but it does get easier. I understand how you feel, we struggle with Audrey's balance of full time mum, part-time Art teacher, part time Art Business owner, and wife. Funny thing is the balance seems to change and we have to constantly re-evaluate and keep the line of communication open. Don't know what else to do.