Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow... all done... bye bye

(gerry here again) That's how we've been feeling. It's been never ending, at least it looks like there will be no more until wedensday. But weds supposed to bring another snow and rain mix, which is what it was supposed to be tonight. Tt's looking like it will be until next weekend before we get any serious melting.
Here's picture from this morning. You can barely see the snow pile Reed and I made on thursday, and our giant ferm in our front yard is nearly burried.
We managed to get out yesterday evening to go to a friends solstice party, the subaru barely made it up the hill to their house... and coming back down was quite the adventure. We were like one of those bad snowboards who skid down the hill sideways in order to keep their speed low and in control. Not exactly fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so sorry Old Man Winter came to visit ... Its going to be 76' here today (did I mention its sunny too!)

Love all of you!