Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Busy bees

We've been very busy lately, so much so, that it has been hard to keep the blog up to date. Here's a brief recap of recent events!

We've gotten a couple of spiders in our bathtub lately, so before bath, we catch them in a glass and take them outside. The magnifying glass Grandma sent has come in handy for inspecting the spiders.

We've had lots of guests at the house. In addition to these pint size guests and their parents, we've been visited by my uncle and his girlfriend and my cousin who is moving out from New York.

We went to the LLL World Breastfeeding Week picnic at the park.

We went to the Ollala Bluegrass Festival. We all had a wonderful time!!

Spring liked clapping to the music.

Both Reed and Spring enjoyed dancing to the Clumsy Lovers!
At one point, the band suggested that the kids run the bases... Gerry says Reed ran the bases 8 times, but I think it was more than that. Suffice to say that Reed was running the bases long after the other kiddos quit!

I took Reed and Spring to the Bremerton water park. Reed got in the water a little bit, but then he fell on his hands and knees and wouldn't get in again.
He was happy to play with the carved stone slide and he's been talking about it lots and wants to go back again!

While we were at the water park, Gerry and Grandpa went fishing. I think Spring was pretty alarmed by the salmon, but Reed was interested. He's really looking forward to going fishing with Grandpa sometime!

And we got our first garden tomato! Look at the size of that thing!!

In other news, we took our first trip to the library and had lots of fun! I'm sort of embarassed that it has taken me this long to take the kids, but we'll definitely be going back!! Reed has started saying, "I love you" with regularity, it melts my heart! Reed also got his first bee sting :-( Spring is now going to sleep for the night in her crib, but transfering back into our bed in the middle of the night once I'm too tired to get up anymore. She's eating all kinds of foods now, but her favorites are applesauce and diced fresh peaches. She LOVES the peaches! She's done more standing unsupported, waves to herself in the mirror and claps to music!


Anonymous said...

My family is truely amazing! That is ONE BIG TOMATO! Hope you're saving some of that delicious SALMON for when we are there ... only 3weeks 2days!

Love Grandma Lisa

Anonymous said...

Reed and the tomato...just like a photo from the seed catalog!!!! good job Gerry.

G'pa Mills