Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cutting a rug

I took this picture to send ot Gerry's aunt Nancy to say thank you for the lovely rug that Reed and Spring are sitting on, but the picture turned out so good, that I thought I'd post it here too!

In other news, Reed has refused to nap for the last three days.I lay him down, then he just babbles for the next few hours. I fear he's going to stop napping and I'm not ready for that!!


Claire said...

Nap refusal does not sound like fun for the parents either! Is he at last sleeping longer at night to make up for it?

Anonymous said...

Robbie pretty much gave up napping after Christmas. He does go to bed earlier. Though he does still sometimes take a nap. It is hard to get used to the no nap thing, but you learn how to deal.

Momma said...

Just a little momma advice from someone who has napped many many children...YOU are in control of nap time. Often the kiddo's go through different phases where nap time can become more of a struggle and even phases where they are peacefully hanging out but never fall asleep. Still, you should not waiver from your regular nap time routine just yet. He should get back into it with in a few days to a week. And I am willing to bet he is not ready to go with out them just yet. I would say four is a good age to ween off napping and some kids (angelo) still nap into their 5th year.

Good luck, and remember YOUR THE BOSS!!!! haha