Saturday, October 23, 2010

Birthday girl!!

We celebrated Spring's second birthday last weekend! Within a week of turning two years old, Spring's favorite sentence has become, "No, no, no, no, NOOOOOO!" It's as though she knew that she was entering the "terrible twos"! :)

First thing we did after breakfast on her birthday, was start making her cake so it would be cool enough to frost later. Spring enjoyed helping stir!

Then, Spring, Reed and I headed to the park to enjoy the gorgeous day! Reed is "catching" Spring on the slide. She was stopped before she got to him but it was a very sweet gesture nonetheless.

Spring clearly enjoyed herself at the playground!

Reed did too, but is sometimes reluctant to have his picture taken so this was the best picture I could get.
Later in the day, it was time for one of our favorite birthday traditions, decorating the cake! Spring immediately jammed the sprinkle shaker into the frosting, but once we cleaned it up, and showed her how, she proved to be an excellent cake decorator!

Brother helped put some sprinkles on too.

The finished product. Those are some excited, about to eat cake, smiles!

Looking cute with her cake. Spring ate a few bites of cake, but spit some out too (I have the pictures to prove it!) I don't know if she was just full, or if she doesn't really like cake.
Then, what should we do to settle our sugar-stoked kids down since it's getting close to bed time? That's right, open presents!!!! Ha ha!
Reed helped Spring open presents, but he was really good about not opening them all for her and actually just helping.

Some gift highlights include this xylophone and a book about mommies nursing their babies from mommy and daddy, another book about mommies and babies from Grandma and Grandpa M. (Spring LOVES mommies and babies right now)...

And this awesome tea set from Grandma and Grandpa A. I put it through the dishwasher today, so we're definitely having tea time tomorrow! I'll try to get some pictures!
Then it was off to bed so we could get up the next day and go to the zoo! We loved seeing all the animals. Spring's favorites seemed to be the sharks and the tiger momma and her two cubs. Sadly, I didn't get any good pictures of us at those exhibits, but I did get a good picture with the elephants!

As much as we enjoyed seeing the animals, the kids seemed to equally enjoy playing at the zoo's kids area.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spring is one happy Birthday Girl! Thanks for the wonderful pictures ... makes me smile! Only 4 weeks and I'll be there for my real life HUGS...

Love, Grandma Lisa