Saturday, October 09, 2010

San Francisco, here we come!

That title should probably be in the past tense, but then it wouldn't be a fun lyric reference. :) We went down to San Francisco last week to visit friends and attend the Har.dly St.rictly Blue.grass festival.
Waiting for the plane. It was quite the journey down! We drove the car to the parking lot, rode the parking lot shuttle to the airport, rode the plane to SF, rode the airport train to the BART station, rode the BART, to the bus stop, rode the bus to our friends' neighborhood then got off and walked to their house. All this with two kids and all our luggage!
Arriving at the festival on Friday. Woohoo!
The boys got to ride together in the double stroller. The stroller came in extra handy the next few days when we used its capacity as a tow behind for a bike.

And Spring got to ride separate. It worked out well because she occasionally gets frustrated with Reed being in her space in the double stroller.
For our first stop of the festival, it was Hammer Time. Yep, MC Ha.mmer!! I'm pretty sure he falls on the "hardly" side of "Ha.rdly Stric.tly Blueg.rass". It was pretty fun though!
Our next stop was to see The Wa.ybacks. It wasn't crowded at all on Friday and it didn't take the kids long to find some mud to play in!
Fun times climbing on mommy-the-jungle-gym!
There was a fun park to play at along the walk home (we walked or biked everywhere since we didn't have carseats for all the kids). I think these were the only pictures we took on Saturday. We tried to see Joan Baez at the festival, but the huge crowd was so chatty, that we couldn't hear her. We did catch a bit of her music as we left though and she sounded amazing.
Spring playing the bulldozer game at the park.
You wouldn't know it from the coats, but it did get a little warmer on Sunday. I didn't mind the grey days though, it made for a very comfortable walk to and from the festival.
More Sunday cuteness! Despite a big Spring meltdown and our double stroller getting broken, Sunday was a great day. We ran into some friends' we know from other music festivals and we got to see some of our favorite bands. Ra.ilroad, Ke.ller and the K.eels, and Y.onder M.ountain Ba.nd.
Fun for the whole family!
Riding the BART on our way back home. You can see just how tired they are, but they look so cute sharing the earbuds for the i.pod.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So many fun pictures! I love the family shot - and the tired sharing!

Looks like a great time.

Love, Grandma Lisa