About 2:30 this morning, Cammy started having contractions. They were pretty close together (3-4 min), but tapered off a bit later in the morning. We went up to the hospital to get an exam about about 10:00am, as the contractions were still close and she thought her water may have broken. She was still at about 1.5cm, which is where she was in her exam yesterday... and her water had not broken yet, so not wanting to spend days in the hospital, we decided to come back home and take it easy.
The contractions have slowed down a bit more, but kind of come and go. Sometimes they're strong and close together, othertimes they'll be 10-15 minutes apart. She's napping right now, as we anticipate a long night should things pick up again.
I'll do my best to keep writing updates as things keep going.
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