Well, some of you already know, but for those of you who don't, we've got news! I'm pregnant again. This little one, who we've been calling our Baby Bun, is due in mid-October, which means that I'm about 12 weeks along. I've been feeling great, once again, pregnancy really seems to agree with my body. The only differences with this pregnancy are that I don't think about it as much as I did with Reed (because Reed keeps me distracted) and I'm showing
a lot sooner! I think I'm only going to be able to go another few weeks before I have to start wearing maternity clothes. It's okay though, I love the big belly!! You can see from my picture, that I’m definitely in what I call, the “pregnant or fat” stage. It’s that awkward time in a woman’s pregnancy where you look at her and can’t quite tell if she’s pregnant or just packing a few extra pounds! :-)
So without further ado, here is Bun's blog debut!

Okay, I know that looking at ultrasound pictures can be like trying to interpret hieroglyphics, so what you see here, is the baby with head on the right, one arm crossed below head, and legs crossed on the far left.

And in this one we see Bun's head on the lower right and torso on the upper left.
We're making some changes for this baby's birth in hopes of me having a successful natural childbirth this time. I've switched from an obstetrician to a group of midwives and if all goes well, will deliver in a birthing center instead of a hospital. I'll also be hiring a
doula to help me through labor and delivery. Hopefully this will all give me the best chance of having the birth experience I really want.
So from now on, Reed is going to have to share the spotlight on our blog, but hopefully he won't mind!

You may have also noticed in my picture, that our carpet is missing. That's because we recently purchased strand-woven bamboo flooring and are starting the installation process. Here Reed is helping Daddy move the book shelves out of our front room. This is just one of several project we want to wrap up before we don't have the time to!!

And just a few March pictures of Reed since I updated so infrequently last month. Here Grandpa Darrell shares his blizzard with Reed Prior to this, Reed had never wanted ice cream he was offered, but a blizzard, well, it's never wise to pass on ice cream blended with oreos!

And Reed with one of his very favorite toys.