Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The beginning of the end...

...of our old carpet. Gerry has started installing our new flooring. The learning curve is proving very steep at this point and so the going has been a bit slow, but I know that things will speed up once he gets a little more experience under his belt! Here he is nailing in the very first board. I just love how it looks. I'm excited to see more of it go in!
Reed was hungry before snack time on Sunday, so he found a box of Purely O's (like Cheerios) on the table, and shook it till he got a snack on his own!
My sleeping beauty. Reed went down for a late second nap on Sunday, so after an hour, I went in to wake him up so he would still go to bed on time. I usually don't go get him till he's awake so when I saw him asleep, I couldn't help taking a few pictures.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of do-it-yourself home improvement! I promise you'll never look at your house the same way again.

Marcia Z said...

I'm glad you are learning all the home improvement skills first, and can pass tips on to us when it's our turn!

It's so wonderful when they nap, isn't it? Gives the parents a chance to recover!