Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Hot fun in the summertime

I hope all of you managed to stay cool over this past hot weekend. Gerry and I were singing the praises of having central air (something we never would have installed, but which was already installed when we bought the house) because Reed wound up having a pretty high fever on Saturday. Sunday he had no fever, but was definitely still out of sorts. We took him outside in the evening, and playing with the hose made him a much happier camper! You can see here he figured out how to get a drink from the hose. For some reason I loved doing that when I was a kid... it always tasted better I thought.

Why not let him run through the sprinkler you ask? Well, that's a good question. Earlier in the week, I had decided to take Reed outside and let him run through the sprinkler for the first time. We bought a sprinkler a week or two ago in anticipation of warm weather and we've had it out in the yard where Reed has thought it was a great toy (you can see it in the pictures). So, I hook up the sprinkler to the hose and turn my back on Reed to turn on the water. In classic slap-stick fashion, Reed picks up the sprinkler (remember, he thinks it's his toy) and looks right at it. At the same time, I turn up the water much higher than I intend to, and Reed gets sprayed right in the face! I suddenly had a sobbing little boy on my hands.

I felt pretty bad, but it was a little funny at the same time. However, Reed failed to see the humor in the situation and feels he has learned all he needs to know about sprinklers, and they are not for him! I'm thinking by the end of summer, he'll come around on the sprinkler issue, but for the time being, I seem to have ruined one of the great joys in a child's summer!


Luke said...

Oh dear! Way to go Cammy, I'm sure he'll get over it sometime in the August heat. That would have been great to see.

Courtney said...

So funny!!! Is it just me, or does Reed look a lot like Gerry in the most recent pics?

Marcia Z said...

What tragic sprinkler drama! I'm sure you will find a way to bring the fun back. I can't believe how big he's getting!

Pictures like these make me wish we lived closer, so the boys could run through the sprinkler together - sigh. Let's schedule a "play date" soon.