Friday, July 25, 2008

Okay... I get it now

We had professional portraits taken of our family a couple of weeks ago. The pictures turned out fabulous, and were a good deal less expensive than the ones we had done a year ago at the fancy portrait studio. I happened to meet our photographer, Kathryn, through La Leche League. I felt really good being able to support a momma who I knew shared many of my parenting philosophies.

People are always telling Gerry and I how much Reed looks like Gerry. Reed and I were even at the grocery store once without Gerry and the checker said, "Wow, he must really look like his daddy!", this was without even seeing Gerry! Now for a long time, I could see that Reed and Gerry shared some features, but I actually think his facial structure is more similar to mine than Gerry's. So everytime somebody would say this, I'd try to say something gracious, but I was always thinking "Really? You don't see any resemblance between Reed and I?" But when we got our professionl pictures back, and I saw this picture, I finally got it! For some reason, I can really see in this picture how much Reed and Gerry really do look alike!!
This picture illustrates a fun new quirk of Reed's. He wants to hold my hand almost all the time. While we were at String Summit, he took to holding my hand while Gerry pushed him in the stroller. On our way home from Summit, he wanted to hold my hand while he sat in the car seat. There have even been times when I've been carrying him, and he insisted on holding my free hand! :-) I'm sure this won't last long, but it melts my heart!!
We got so many good pictures from our portrait session that I'm having a hard time deciding which ones to post. I love this one of Reed and Gerry! The best part about these pictures is that unlike the fancy portrait studio, we got a cd with high resolution copies of all the pictures! Yeah, much better than having to go back to the studio to pay for a reprint if we ever want one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's definitely a resemblance between Reed and Gerry, but I think Reed has your nose!