Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some cute stories

We haven't had too much new going on, but I wanted to share a couple of cute stories (one that I've been meaning to share for a while!)
A month or so ago, Reed was asking for something from on top of his dresser where all of his stuffed animals live. Not knowing which animal he wanted, I got down his sea otter puppet and started making the otter talk to Reed. Otter has been a long time favorite of Reed's (one of his first ever smiles was directed at otter). I made otter say various things, and eventually made otter say "I love you" to Reed. Reed's response was immediate! He reached out and gave his otter a great big hug! It was so cute! Reed usually reserves hugs for close family and the kitty, so to see him so affectionate toward his stuffed animal was a rare sight!

And the more recent story. A few nights ago, we were outside playing with Reed in the front yard. It was another hot day so I was letting him play with the hose again. We have a pair of rain barrels in our front yard and Reed really likes to help us fill a bucket with water from the barrels, then help us carry it to water some newly planted lavender. Well, after playing with the hose for a while, Reed went over and got the watering bucket, put a little water in, and marched right over and dumped it out on the lavender. He repeated the process more times than I can even count! It's so fun to see how much he wants to help with things!

Baby bun and I are doing well. I'm almost to the six month mark in this pregnancy! I can't believe how fast the time has gone!!! She's much more active than Reed was, to the point of being a little obnoxious sometimes. One of my midwives said that there's probably more room for baby this time since Reed got everything stretched out. The one upside to her activity level so far is that she doesn't seem to be particularly active when I'm trying to go to sleep (this is when a lot of babies wake up and start kicking). I'm feeling pretty big already and while I think that pregnancy is beautiful, I'm a little concerned for how big I'm going to get!!


Earthy Mama said...

You look great Cammy! I love preggo bellies! I'm missing mine already, but that doesn't mean I'll be trying to get another anytime soon. LOL, I have enough on my plate with two little ones and a growing independant 8 year old!

Courtney said...

Hey! About Bun not being too active when you're trying to sleep--Gerry should consider himself lucky, too. My mom said that when she was pregnant with me, she'd sleep with her tummy touching my dad's back, and I would decide to start kicking. My dad could feel it, and there were a couple of times when I actually woke him up!!

And some advice: you absolutely must take your children to Berlin some day!!
