Thursday, July 24, 2008

NW String Summit

Last weekend we made our annual trek down to North Plains, OR for the NW String Summit. This was Reed's second time at Summit (or third if you count the time he went when he was still in my belly!) and just as last year, he amazed us with how well he did!

I don't think there was a thing about the whole experience that he didn't love! He loved camping, he loved all the other kids camping near us, especially Robbie, Dave and Sarah's son who was camped right next to us, he loved exploring the campground and going for walks, but most of all, he LOVED the music. The whole weekend, he kept signing for music. Right from the start, he wanted more music. Thursday, we happened to catch part of a sound check, and when the band stopped playing, Reed said "uh-oh" and signed for music. And he definitely preferred seeing the music live to hearing it on the radio, or the music they would play over the speakers during the set breaks. Gerry and I joked that he was definitely OUR son!!!

I got a henna tattoo on my belly to show off while we were at Summit. I loved it so much that I can't wait to have henna done on my belly again! I think pregnancy is SO beautiful!!


Luke said...

Lets see a close up of the tattoo!

Audrey had two done for her belly as well. The second one was still visible for the birth, it was very powerful!

Glad Reed is diggin the tunes. Hope to get a hike in with you in August or Sept, call me so we can schedule!

David Kirkbride said...

We had such a blast at Hornings! Robbie enjoyed playing with Reed, as well as with all of the other friends he made. Your henna looked fabulous; we hope Sarah can follow in your footsteps a few months from now. Love, Sarah, David, and Robbie.