I was looking through recent photos and found some that I thought I'd share. And since Cammy started with the 'song title puns' in her last post, I figure I'll give it a go...
First, a couple from a some hikes this summer.
Lake of the Angles, Olympic NP - "The bottle was dusty, but the liquor was clean"
Bugs were awful, climb was horrendous... it was a great hike!
"I can see for miles and miles..."
And some of Reed.
What's this? Cammy's banned song title puns? Huh??? Did I miss something here? Very confused...
No, just a typo... I figured since cammy started with the "bad song title puns", I'd give it a shot too...
I see...that makes more sense, as I seem to remember Cammy loving her puns!!
See you soon!!
Drill, Baby, Drill!
Reed is getting so big! And I know we are really behind on this, but congrats on Bun!
Gerry, you can even see a mosquuito on the opened "flask" of booze!! Grandpa Mills
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