Thursday, October 30, 2008

They grow up so fast!

Some milestones for both kiddos tonight!

Spring had her two week check up today and it turns out that she has gained a pound already! Usually, doctors like to see babies back to their birth weight at two weeks and gaining an ounce a day. Well, Spring definitely surpassed her birth weight and has gained an average of two ounces a day! I'm kind of amazed that my body is making that much food for her and it makes me wonder if I would have made this much milk for Reed had our nursing not been hindered by his breathing trouble and jaundice...

And Reed has reached two milestones. We moved his crib out of his room and he now sleeps in his toddler bed which we are thrilled with! I was a little worried about how well the transition would go since he LOVED his crib, but I think the fact that his new bed is a car, helps a lot! And, for the first time, Reed peed on his potty chair yesterday, not just once, but twice! So begins the potty learning... I think we're a long way from being out of diapers, but this is definitely progress!


Claire said...

Wow, a whole pound in 2 weeks!! That is very impressive! You're going to have a chubby little cutie on your hands! I'm loving all the pictures. It's amazing how fast they change at that young age.

Anonymous said...

Peeing on the potty chair already! We're lucky if Robbie will sit on his potty naked. Glad to see you all are doing well.

Christel said...

YAY for both kids! :) Eli did really well when moved him out of his crib (at 18 months) and into his toddler bed. He started falling out a bit until I made sheets, fitted and flat, and that immediately made a difference. I'm not sure if it's because it was more "big kiddish" or if that extra bit of support helped him get used to it, either way, that totally helped the situation. :)

YAY for going potty on the chair too! E loves to sit on his too, but hasn't done anything here. I know we're a long way off, although he isn't even 2 yet, so there's no rush. He's gone potty at day care a couple of times, but nothing consistent. Hopefully you're on to something! :)